"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." - Thomas A. Edison
"I have found that people who can successfully resist temptation invariably lead depressingly stunted lives." — C.D. Payne
"So don't weep for me now, my friends, because science insists that I have not died.
Energy just always changes state and I refuse to believe that human consciousness is the sole exception to this universal law."
- Mark Millar
"Do only butterflies die in flames? What about those devoured by the flames within them?" - E.M. Cioran

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Whistle Stops

How to beat the Cover 2.

Cliff Lee's suitors -- Yankees, Rangers, Red Sox, Cubs, Angels, Astros, Phillies & Dodgers

The A's won the bidding to negotiate with Japanese stud right-hander Hisashi Iwakuma.  They paid $17mil to negotiate with the 30-year old starter.  Sheesh.

Cam Newton is a damn, dirty cheater.  I don't care.  Read it here.  (Is it weird that FoxSports is part of the Microsoft network?  Does that mean FoxNews:MSNBC::Colbert Report:Daily Show?)

There is conjecture (not mine) that the Tribe is pursuing ManRam as a free agent.

Jason Garret, fellow University School alumnus and brother of my freshman football coach, is now the Cowboys head man.  Let's see how long that lasts.  Cough... cough... Cowher... cough.

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