"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." - Thomas A. Edison
"I have found that people who can successfully resist temptation invariably lead depressingly stunted lives." — C.D. Payne
"So don't weep for me now, my friends, because science insists that I have not died.
Energy just always changes state and I refuse to believe that human consciousness is the sole exception to this universal law."
- Mark Millar
"Do only butterflies die in flames? What about those devoured by the flames within them?" - E.M. Cioran

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pretty Girl 02.14.11 - Jessica Biel

Why?  Because she's Jessica freakin' Biel.  My eloquence will land her as my valentine. Cheers.

1 comment:

  1. heu!!!!! lol..jus wanna to say u luk amazin n too rude>>wow i lik it da person wo seemz to b lik diz n ,,,mostly i lik ur chewt bra n undrwer!@#wich chnge da personality to ech ____________?????
