"Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something." - Thomas A. Edison
"I have found that people who can successfully resist temptation invariably lead depressingly stunted lives." — C.D. Payne
"So don't weep for me now, my friends, because science insists that I have not died.
Energy just always changes state and I refuse to believe that human consciousness is the sole exception to this universal law."
- Mark Millar
"Do only butterflies die in flames? What about those devoured by the flames within them?" - E.M. Cioran

Friday, August 12, 2011

Jade Bile

The night is hot and sticky; it reminds me of my youth.  There is a foreign town and a pretty girl and all of the wonderment attained rather than denied.  I see things that I cannot remember, hear things that I will never forget.  The rest is a blur, but I can still feel the warm rush of anticipation running through me.  Now, forever distant, it would seem that I must alter my wishes, evolve my desires.  I neither want to, nor intend to.  If it is irrational to deign a set of values as worthy and staunchly adhere to them, then please be man enough to lock me up.  In a world of naught but concession and rationalization, I reject their necessity.  The only dead dreams are those that I might strangle with my hot, bare hands.  While many might lay comatose, struggling to breathe, the proverbial plugs have not yet been pulled.  Deny compromise.  Ignore the demands of an irrelevant society.  On to find unique order in a sea of cookie cutter chaos.  Don't like it?  Fuck you.  Moving on.

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